

I think this doodling technique works well when repeating lots of small shapes, like petals.

Spring bouquet

Leaf Medley






Escher’s Drawing Hands

Sistine Chapel fingers


Pinecone # 1

Pinecone # 2

Pinecone # 3

Rock cairn

Rock cairns are route markers, way-finding tools.  They can guide us back on track after doodling along, lost on our pilgrimages.  Often they are built by people who have gone the route ahead of us.  They say we are not alone on our journeys.


Giant Sequoia

Along the path at Green Lake

I think this is a Giant Sequoia along the path at Green Lake.  Such a nicely shaped tree, and an almighty presence.

Daily doodle: ginkgo leaves

Ginkgo leaves are well suited to line doodling because the veins in the leaves fan out from a single point, making a nice pattern.

Here is a ginkgo design from the Marimekko studios, which served as inspiration for today’s doodle:

“ginkgo” design by Kristina Isola, 2005, from Marimekko In Pattern