Heroes and Villains of Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon 2016

April 10, 2016

“Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies.”
— artist Frank Gelett Burgess

King Stefan and Maleficent on the street outside Comicon, Seattle

King Stefan and Maleficent on the street outside Comicon, Seattle


Seattle is in the midst of an invasion of comic book characters — villains and heroes — here for the Emerald City Comicon(vention).  People are obviously passionate about these characters.  I suppose dressing up and striking poses and acting can be imaginative ways to express some of the more hidden aspects of one’s self.



Steampunk Ariel

Steampunk Ariel

Baroness from Cobra Commander (attending with her husband and young son. Imagine having a cool mom like her!)

Baroness from Cobra Commander (attending with her husband and young son. Imagine having a cool mom like her!)

Most of the attendees were cheerfully willing to allow photographs, and they assumed all manner of gestures and poses.  Quite coincidentally, I had just read parts of Amy Cudder’s new book, Presence:  Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, in which she asserts that the physical body has the ability to change the mind.  She gives examples of power poses, such as one called “The Wonder Woman” pose, which practiced for just two minutes a day, or two minutes when needed, can have an empowering affect on the body and mind, and therefore, can result in real meaningful impact in social situations.  (I highly recommend that you watch her TED talk about how body language can effect changes in your mind.  I think every girl and woman would benefit from watching this 20-minute talk.  Cudder is quite convincing and backs her assertions with studies and real-life examples.  You will never look at Wonder Woman in quite the same way after hearing Cudder’s talk.)  I was tickled to see that the women I photographed at Comicon quite naturally struck some of the power poses Cudder describes (enlarging gestures, like arms out or up, chin held high, etc.) while dressed in their costumes and regalia.  Perhaps some of this body language will carry over into their lives in ordinary clothes!

Here are some more portraits from my short wander through the streets and the lobby of Seattle’s Convention Center during the Comicon festivities:






















4 Responses to “Heroes and Villains of Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon 2016”

  1. Adrienne Says:

    they are obviously serious about their characters

  2. Diana Studer Says:

    TED talk was interesting.

  3. Cynthia Melcher Says:

    Interesting! I know a person or two here that does stuff like this. Creative…. Lots of time Invested.

  4. Chris Says:

    Thank you for including Martin and I (Stefan and Mal). Acting, creating, building is also our profession so there are times the lines blur and you have to decide if you are dressing for hobby or work this time. The two of us will be at Anime North as guests talking the whole weekend with folks interesting in upping their Cosplay game and/or entering this industry in that capacity. It’s an active part of some folks lives.

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