Love What is Plentiful

June 26, 2010

Rocks, feathers and shells


Cardinal feathers, Sanibel Island shells, sea-smoothed rocks


We Alone
by Alice Walker 

We alone can devalue gold
by not caring
if it falls or rises
in the marketplace.
Wherever there is gold
there is a chain, you know,
and if your chain
is gold
so much the worse
for you. 

Feathers, shells
and sea-shaped stones
are all as rare. 

This could be our revolution:
to love what is plentiful
as much as
what’s scarce.

3 Responses to “Love What is Plentiful”

  1. Thanks for sharing: nice vignettes, great poem.

  2. The ‘gold chain’ Did you see a recent post about mining for sulphur?

  3. PS I will be linking back to this post tomorrow. Diana

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